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Children Like Yours: Laura, Yamika, Wanda, Rylee – TV

The recruiters featured in this TV PSA share how adoption changes the lives of children just like yours. Children Like Yours aims to show everyone ho... Read More

Children Like Yours: Anne, Bryonna, Ivy – TV

The recruiters featured in this TV PSA share how adoption changes the lives of children just like yours. Children Like Yours aims to show everyone ho... Read More

Children Like Yours: Danelle – TV

The recruiters featured in this TV PSA share how adoption changes the lives of children just like yours. Children Like Yours aims to show everyone ho... Read More

Changing Lives: Hailey’s Story – TV

The youth featured in these TV PSAs share how adoption changed their lives for the better. Changing Lives aims to show everyone how adoption can help... Read More

Changing Lives: Jayden’s Story – TV

The youth featured in these TV PSAs share how adoption changed their lives for the better. Changing Lives aims to show everyone how adoption can help... Read More

Changing Lives: Merriah’s Story – TV

The youth featured in these TV PSAs share how adoption changed their lives for the better. Changing Lives aims to show everyone how adoption can help... Read More

If The Walls Could Talk – TV

The teen featured in this TV PSA bravely shared their lived experiences prior to being placed into foster care. If the Walls Could Talk aims to shine... Read More

If The Walls Could Talk – Radio

The teen featured in this radio PSA bravely shared their lived experiences prior to being placed into foster care. If the Walls Could Talk aims to sh... Read More

Unadoptable is Unacceptable – U.S.

The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption is the only public nonprofit charity in the United States that is focused exclusively on foster care adoption... Read More

Unadoptable is Unacceptable – Canada

The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption-Canada's mission is to dramatically increase the number of adoptions from North America's foster care systems... Read More