Better Together: Maya and Hannah’s Story

Posted on November 1, 2019

Massachusetts In June 2019, we visited Massachusetts to meet with Maya and Hannah, sisters who were adopted through the Wendy’s Wonderful Kids® program. The girls bravely shared the incredible pain and neglect they experienced before adoption because they want other children to be adopted too. “I re

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Building a Family from Around the Globe

Posted on October 1, 2019

The Baus family (from left): Sena, Deborah, Judah, Jeremy, Zoe and Raji When Jeremy Baus learned that his new employer, NVIDIA, offered adoption support, “the magnitude and reality of the benefit didn’t sink in,” he says. The global artificial intelligence company offers all full- and part-time empl

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Run, CJ! Run!

Posted on August 23, 2019

Ohio, written by Dee My son, CJ, has always been a runner. Sadly, running used to be CJ’s way to escape. He spent almost seven years in foster care. That can be a traumatic experience for any child. Emotions run the gamut of loss, abandonment, uncertainty and lack of control. CJ also has autism and

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