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Building Trust and an Unbreakable Bond: Merriah’s Story - Blog Sep 11, 2023

Merriah was placed in foster care at age 6 after enduring abuse and neglect. For nine long years, she waited for a permanent place to call home. Fortunately, with support from the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and her Wendy’s Wonderful Kids adoption recruiter, Merriah was adopted by Emilie and John just before her 15th birthday. Read More

Terry Stigdon joins Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption Board of Trustees - Press Releases Sep 1, 2023

The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, a national nonprofit public charity, welcomed Terry Stigdon as a member of its board of trustees, serving a three-year term. Read More

Supporter Spotlight: Mike Welch - Blog Aug 17, 2023

Mike Welch OBE is President and CEO of He recently spoke with the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption about his experience growing up in foster care and his path to success in his professional and personal life. Read More

Reflections of a Child Welfare Professional: Karen, Wendy’s Wonderful Kids Supervisor - Blog Aug 9, 2023

Wendy’s Wonderful Kids adoption professionals, like Karen from Ontario, are dedicated to finding permanent families for children who have been waiting in foster care the longest. Read Karen’s reflections on this life-changing work and why she is a champion for the Foundation’s child-focused recruitment model. Read More

2023 Recruiter of the Year: Anna from Michigan - Blog Aug 9, 2023

Anna, a Wendy’s Wonderful Kids recruiter from Michigan, was recognized by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption as a 2023 Recruiter of the Year for her life-changing service on behalf of children lingering in foster care who are too often overlooked. Read More

3 Reasons Your Organization Should Become An Adoption-Friendly Workplace - Blog Jun 28, 2023

While adoption benefits are a relatively small investment for most organizations, they can have a life-changing impact for families and children waiting for a permanent home. This article highlights 3 reasons your organization should consider becoming an adoption-friendly workplace. Read More

Better Together: Hailey, Jayden, Alexis and Jase’s Story - Blog Jun 23, 2023

For nearly two years, siblings Hailey, Jayden, Alexis and Jase lingered in foster care after experiencing abuse and neglect. Their journey changed when they were adopted by Jayden’s fifth-grade teacher, Justin, and his wife, Kasey, with help from the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption’s Wendy’s Wonderful Kids program. Read More

The Bond of a Father and Son: Ernesto and Jeff’s Story - Blog Jun 2, 2023

At 6 years old, Ernesto (“Ernie”) was found wandering the streets, trying to find food. Not receiving the care he needed, he was placed in foster care and waited for a permanent home for eight long years. Thankfully, Ernesto’s journey changed when he was adopted by Jeff with help from the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption’s Wendy’s Wonderful Kids program. Read More

Bringing A Family Back Together: Likisha and Jamya’s Story - Blog Jun 1, 2023

After years of struggling to make ends meet, Likisha decided to place her children in foster care as she worked to get back on her feet. She hoped her children would only have to be in care for a short time, but sadly, she didn’t see them again for nine long years. Thankfully, she was reunited with her daughter, Jamya, with help from the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. Read More

Wendy’s Wonderful Kids professionals collaborate and celebrate at annual Summit - Blog May 25, 2023

The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption welcomed more than 600 Wendy’s Wonderful Kids professionals to Columbus, Ohio for the 2023 Wendy’s Wonderful Kids Summit, an opportunity to learn, collaborate and celebrate their life-changing impact in serving the longest-waiting children in foster care. Read More
